
2015 Inter-Franciscan Missionary Program Course in Brussels

15 October 2015
The OFM Fraternity of Notre Dame des Nations in Brussels welcomed their Minister General and Representatives from the General Curias of the OFM Conventuals and OFM’s who visited their brothers who are participating in the 3-month intensive missionary preparation course.  All of the friar participants - a mix of OFM, OFM Conventuals and OFM Capuchins - spoke very highly of their experience in living together as an international and inter-obediential fraternity. This gave them a new appreciation of our shared Franciscan vocation and the role that we might and should play in the Church and the world today.  The participants are also beginning to think about how to collaborate better within the larger Franciscan Family and to participate in the joint OFM/Conventual/Capuchin/TOR 3-year program of reconciliation, seeking better understanding, and the overcoming of historical disagreements among the respective Orders.
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