Guardian of the General Curia
(Province of St Francis of Assisi - POLAND)
Br Salvador Burgos León, OFM
Director of the Translations Office, House Vicar and Discrete
(Province of Saint Francis and Saint James – MEXICO)
Br Tyberiusz Mąka, OFM
Bursar of the General Curia
(Province of Immaculate Conception - POLAND)
Br Albert Schmucki, OFM
Definitor General for the Transalpine Franciscan Conference and Director of the Safeguarding Office
(Custody of Christ the King – SWITZERLAND)
Br Alvaro Rodriguez Vazquez, OFM
Assistant for Missions and Evangelization
(Province of Saints Peter and Paul - MEXICO)
Br Alvin Artemio Paras, OFM
Vice Secretary General and Discrete
(San Pedro Bautista Province - PHILIPPINES)
Br Antonio Maria Iacona, OFM
Secretary General
(Holy Name of Jesus Province – ITALY)
Br Byron A. Chamann Anléu, OFM
Communications Office Director
(Province of Our Lady of Guadalupe – CENTRAL AMERICA AND AND THE CARIBBEAN)
Br Baptist D'Souza, OFM
Vice- Director of the Development Office
(Province of St. Thomas the Apostle - INDIA)
Br César Külkamp, OFM
Definitor General for the Brazil - Southern Cone and Bolivarian Conferences
(Province of the Immaculate Conception of the BVM – BRAZIL)
Br Cesare Vaiani, OFM
Definitor General - Conference of Italy, Albania, Spain and Portugal
(Province of St Anthony - ITALY)
Br Chryzostom (Jaroslaw) Fryc, OFM
Vice-Procurator General and Director of the Historical Archives
(Province of St. Francis of Assisi – POLAND)
Br Claudio Durighetto, OFM
Procurator General and Discrete
(Seraphic Province of Assisi – ITALY)
Fr. Daniel A. Reynel B., OFM
Assistant in the General Secretariat
(Province Saint Juniper Serra - MEXICO)
Br Daniel Nicolas R. Blanco, OFM
Director of JPIC Office
(Province of Our Lady of Guadalupe – CENTRAL AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN)
Br Darko Tepert, OFM
Secretary General for Formation and Studies
(Province of Saints Cyril and Methodius - CROATIA)
Br Dennis Tayo, OFM
General Animator for the Missions
(Province of St. Anthony of Padua - PHILIPPINES)
Br Fabio César Gomes, OFM
Assistant General for Nuns
(Province of the Immaculate Conception Province BVM - BRAZIL)
Br Fernando Calderón Juárez, OFM
(Province of the Holy Gospel - MEXICO)
Br. Francisco Gomez Vargas, OFM
Secretary General for Missions and Evangelization
(Province of St. Paul - COLOMBIA)
Br Franco Mirri, OFM
Director of The Fraternitas Foundation
(Province of St. Anthony - ITALY)
Br Gianni Califano, OFM
Postulator General
(The Seraphic Province of St. Francis of Assisi - ITALY)
Br Hieronimus Yoseph Dei Rupa, OFM
Vice - Secretary of Formation and Studies
(Province of St. Michael the Archangel - INDONESIA)
Br Ignacio Ceja Jiménez, OFM
Vicar General of the Order
(Province of Saints Francis and James - MEXICO)
Br Israel Porras Alvarado, OFM
Vice - Director Protocol Office Province
(Province of Saints Peter and Paul - MEXICO)
Br Jean-Marc Kouassi, OFM
(Province of Incarnate Word - TOGO)
Br Jimmy Zammit, OFM
Definitor General for the English Speaking Conference
(Province of St. Paul the Apostle - MALTA)
Br Joaquin Arturo Echeverry H., OFM
Definitor General for the Conference of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Central America, the Caribbean and Mexico)
(Holy Faith Province - COLOMBIA)
Br Joel Esplana Sulse, OFM
General Bursar
(San Pedro Bautista Province - PHILIPPINES)
Br John Wong, OFM
Definitor General for the East Asia and South Asia - Australia - Oceania Conferences
(Autonomous Custody of Saint Anthony of Padua - MALAYSIA, SINGAPORE AND BRUNEI)
Br Konrad Grzegorz Cholewa, OFM
Definitor General for the North and South Conferences
(Province of the Immaculate Conception BVM – POLAND)
Br Massimo Fusarelli, OFM
Minister General of the Order
(St Bonaventure Province - ITALY)
Br Nikola Kozina, OFM
Director of the Development Office
(Province of The Holy Cross - BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA)
Br.Pasquale Berardinetti, OFM
Director of the Protocol and Automation Office
(Seraphic Province of St. Francis of Assisi - ITALY)
Br Pedro Zitha, OFM
Assistant General OFS and YouFra
(Province of Our Lady Queen of Peace - SOUTH AFRICA)
Br Saulo José Duarte
Vice General Bursar
(Holy Cross Province - Brazil)
Br Taucen Hotlan Girsang, OFM
Vice Director of JPIC Office
(Province of St. Michael the Archangel - INDONESIA)
Br Victor Luís Quematcha, OFM
Definitor General African Conference
(Saint Francis of Assisi Custody - GUINEA BISSAU)
Br Vjekoslav Milićević, OFM
Private Secretary of the Minister General
(Province of the Assumption BVM - BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA)