
2017 Interfranciscan Missionary Program

12 September 2017
The Minister General, Br. Michael Anthony Perry, OFM, visited the Mission Formation Program in Brussels on 8-10 September 2017. This year, there are ten friars from the three branches of the Order (Capuchins, Conventuals, and OFMs) who are living and studying together. The course is in English and offers an opportunity to the friars to: (a) deepen their awareness of the missionary dimension of their Christian and Franciscan vocation; (b) learn about contemporary issues related to missionary evangelization, ecumenical and ecumenical dialogue, Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation, and other related issues; and (c) experience a deeper sense of prayer and fraternity and also inter-obediential living among the three Orders. The course also helps the missionaries and other friars who use this experience as part of ongoing formation to deepen the human and interpersonal dimensions of our lives. Prayer and Eucharist serve as the spiritual powerhouse for the program. For more information, please visit the web site of the Mission program, Notre Dame des Nations. Friars who are interested in participating in this 3-month course, which includes a pilgrimage to the Franciscan sights, should contact Bro. Luis Gallardo, General Secretary for Missions and Evangelization ( This program is, according to the Minister General, one of the best formation programs for the practice of missionary evangelization that the Order has to offer. He encourages friars to consider participating in this program. There are two sessions annually: September - November (English language); and March-May (French language).
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