“Indeed this is literally what it means to live without anything of my own”.
This sentiment from postulant Jaymar Escoltor after a fire recently razed the Franciscan Postulancy House probably lingered in the minds of four young Franciscan friars who perpetually professed to live the Gospel following the example of St. Francis of Assisi through the evangelical vows of poverty, obedience, and chastity on May 30, 2017 in Cebu City, Philippines.
Br. Arturo C. Daquilanea, OFM, Custos of St. Anthony of Padua Southern Philippines, with Br. Reycel R. Centino, OFM who gave the inspiring homily, received the solemn promises of the friars.
The solemn profession is the period when the “profesandi” promise to live the said vows for life. “Profesandi” is a term used for those to be professed.
Prior to their profession, which was held at San Vicente Ferrer Parish in Urgello, the house they occupied for a month was totally consumed by fire. It happened in the early morning of May 17, two days after their one-month retreat.
Neighbors and firemen helped extinguish the fire but saved almost nothing from the mostly wooden building. No one was hurt in the incident. It was providential that they were in Badian on an overnight excursion.
“Living without anything of our own” is the legacy given by St. Francis of Assisi to his brothers in order to fully live the spirit of the Gospel of Jesus and live in total and joyful dependence on God who is their “summum bonum” (Highest Good).
Carl Jaime Bordeos / CBCPNews