
A Communication from the JPIC International Council

03 June 2016
Verona, June 1st, 2016 - The Europe-wide JPIC meeting on the theme of "ENVIRONMENTAL CRISES AND IMMIGRATION" - (challenges in the context of a changing Europe), concluded last week in Verona (Italy), having met from May 22nd to 29th. A few days before the conclusion of the European conference, the friar members of the International Council joined the gathering, and had an opportunity for fraternal dialogue with all the participants. The Council's work began with the presentations from the various Conferences, along with a report from the Rome office on JPIC structures. A study of the Order’s document "Going to the peripheries with the joy of the Gospel”, and a review of the encyclical Laudato si’ then followed, and finally the friars divided into groups according to their Continent, in order to assess the work done. The International Council will meet in Verona until June 4th. [gallery link="file" ids="10987,10988,10989,10990,10991,10986"]
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