
A new era for Fraternitas

The new number 306 in a completely renewed version

01 February 2023

When, in November 1967, during the mandate of Br. Constantine Koser as Minister General, the first issue of Fraternitas was published, the objective was that the newsletter would be a tool to strengthen the ties between the friars. 

Over time, the bulletin has consolidated as a means of disseminating the activities and mission of the Order and since 1998 it has begun to be produced in eight languages. Initially sent by post in paper format, from 2002 it was decided to distribute it only in digital form. 

This issue, 306, inaugurates a new phase of Fraternitas, with which the Communication Office, with conviction, reaffirms the original objective for the Order to grow ever more as a global family which, in its unity, fulfills the dream of St. Francis. We therefore propose a new graphic layout and new distribution channels for this instrument of the OFM family. 

Every first and third Wednesday of the month, you will receive a simplified version of the bulletin to your e-mail address enriched with various in-depth links. You can choose to receive the email in one of the three official languages of the Order, by registering at the following address

In continuity with the previous mode, Fraternitas will continue to have a PDF format in eight languages which can be downloaded directly from here . 

The content of the bulletin also changes, and is enriched with more direct and informal information. In addition to the appointments of the Minister General, you will be able to find out about the commitments of the Definitors and those in charge of the offices of the General Curia. You will also find a section dedicated to the life of the Order in the world, with a list of the newly professed and deceased friars. 

Finally, a photo gallery will show, in a simple and attractive way, an overview of the Franciscan mission in the world. As in the past, the heart of the bulletin will be made up of the news that appeared on the Order's website in the previous weeks. 

We thank you for your faithfulness in reading Fraternitas and we count on you to disseminate this important communication tool of the Order.

Fr. Evódio João, Director 

The 1st February 2023 edition of “Fraternitas” is now online and can be downloaded in several languages:

Italiano - English - Español - Français - Hrvatski - PortuguêsPolski - Deutsch

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