
A New Guardian at St. Isidore’s, Rome

28 July 2017
Br. Hugh McKenna OFM, is the new Guardian at St. Isidore’s, Rome, home to the Collegium Sancti Bonaventurae, and to a fraternity which also includes Irish friars in Post-Novitiate Formation. The friars in Formation arrive in September, continuing a tradition of Irish Franciscan Formation at St. Isidore’s which dates to its foundation by the illustrious Luke Wadding OFM in 1625. Br. Hugh was Minister Provincial of the Province of Ireland and President of the OFM English-Speaking Conference until the beginning of July. He succeeds Br. Mícheál MacCraith, also of the Province of Ireland, who returns to Ireland after 6 years of generous, fraternal, and productive service as Guardian. We wish Brs. Hugh and Micheál every blessing in their respective ministries.  
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