
Antonianum: Inauguration of the 2016-2017 Academic Year

19 October 2016
A 11 a.m. on October 19, 2016 Br. Michael A. Perry, OFM General Minister and Grand Chancellor of the Pontifical University Antonianum, presided at the Eucharistic Celebration at the Basilica Sant'Antonio in Lateran, ushering in the new academic year. First, though, in the Aula Magna of the University the Rector, Sr. Mary Melone, SFA, gave her report on the academic year 2015-2016. This was followed by an awards ceremony recognizing students, who distinguished themselves in the years 2015-2016. Caesar Vaiani, General Secretary for Formation and Studies concluded the academic event of 2016 with a word of greeting to the Assembly. [gallery link="file" ids="11605,11606,11607,11609,11608,11604,11610,11611,11612,11613,11614,11615,11616,11617,11618"]
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