
Asian Franciscan Formators Training (AFFT)

Launch of the programme endorsed by FCAO

19 March 2024

On 11 Mar 2024, AFFT programme was launched with the release of the introductory video of the first front loading module. This formators course was proposed and endorsed by the Ministers of FCAO (Franciscan Conference of Asia-Oceania) in May 2023.  Br Derrick Yap, Custos of Singapore-Malaysia, was tasked to craft the programme together with a team comprising Secretaries of Formation of EAC (Br Joel Sulse) and SAAOC (Br Charles Bernard) and Br Azeem Lawrence, Custos of Pakistan. Co-ordinating this programme with Br Derrick is Dr Josephine Chin, together with Patrick Tan providing the digital support for the online platform

This programme is primarily conducted online with 2 in-person residency programmes in June and November, book-ending the programme with adequate time for group interaction and practicum.  There are 16 modules in total, modelled heavily on Master in Formation programme at the Antonianum.   

AFFT is the perfect acronym for the programme as it sounds like affect (Latin: affectus), indicating its strong affective emphasis and not merely intellectually downloading information.  The main pedagogic vehicles are video lessons, facilitated forum discussions in small circle groups, personal accompaniment and zoom tutorials.   

For this pilot cohort, there are 8 OFMs participants hailing from Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Vietnam.  In future, the hope is to welcome potential formators from the entire Franciscan Family to participate in this programme.  Minister General Br Massimo Fusarelli, and Asian Definitor Br John Wong both popped into the first Zoom Tutorial to meet and encourage the participants. 

Formation and Studies
Br John Wong SAAOC EAC Ongoing formation Initial formation
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