
Asian Friars residing in Rome

Fraternal Gathering and Christmas Celebration

21 December 2023

On December 17, 2023, brothers of two Asian Conferences (SAAOC and EAC) who reside in Rome came together to the Friars Minor General Curia for a fraternal gathering in the Saint Clare room and to celebrate Christmas and pray together in the Curia’s “little grotto.” The gathering was arranged by Asian Friars who serve at the Curia: Br. John Wong, Definitor General responsible for the Conferences, Br. Hieronimus Yoseph Dei Rupa, Vice Secretary for Formation & Studies, Br. Dennis Tayo, Vice Secretary of  Missions & Evangelization, Br. Taucen Hotlan Girsang, Vice Director of JPIC, Br. Baptist D’Souza, Vice Director of the Development Office, and Br. Alvin Artemio Paras, Vice Secretary General. 

As they celebrated brotherhood, they were joined also by Minister General, Br. Massimo Fusarelli, Vicar General, Br. Ignacio Ceja Jiménez, and the Guardian of the Curia, Br. Maciej Olszewski. 

The gathering consisted of three main parts: Firstly, Christmas greetings and information about the collaboration of the two conferences were exchanged. Secondly, each office shared what collaborative projects they’ve been working on individually. Thirdly, there was a festive Christmas dinner, which concluded with an address by the Minister General. 

The gathering began, of course, with prayer and a warm welcome offered by the Guardian. Then is his remarks, Br. Ignacio reminded those gathered that our life as brothers and as Franciscans is rooted in the Incarnation. He emphasized that fraternal collaboration among the entities emerges from hearts open to mutual fraternal love. 

Following this, Br. John Wong spoke about the wonderful collaboration already happening with the two Conferences, especially in the areas of forming the Formators of the Franciscan Study Centers of Asia, and training missionaries for the Papua New Guinea and Thailand missions. He spoke about some of the challenges that arise when offering ministry to immigrants and, after his remarks, invited a sharing to hear what the brothers thought about these topics.

Then, Br. Dennis described more of the missionary projects of Asia, particularly focusing on Papua New Guinea. In order to maintain this mission, collaboration by the Secretariat of Mission & Evangelization and the Secretariat for Formation & Studies in each entity and within the entire Conference is needed. Friars must be adequately prepared to be sent on mission.

For his part, Br. Hieronimus spoke about the upcoming 2024 formation project for Asian Friars which will take place virtually by Zoom conferences but will begin and end with two weeks in Olas, in the Philippines. Then, Br. Taucen spoke about the “Net of Peace” project in Asia that would begin in 2024. Finally, Br. Baptist spoke of the new Development Office, particularly explaining the scholarship process. 

At the Christmas celebration, Minister General, Br. Massimo Fusarelli, spoke about the joyful anniversaries we are celebrating, the 800th anniversary of the Christmas crib experience at Greccio and the writing of the Rule. “As Saint Francis went to Greccio seeking an encounter with the Lord of peace, Friars everywhere should live in profound intimacy with Jesus, who is the source of all peace.” 

The Christmas meal gave the brothers ample time to wish each other a blessed and merry Christmas. Spontaneous singing and dancing allowed the celebration to conclude with great joy!

Br. Hieronimus Yoseph Dei Rupa

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