
Blessed Giles of Assisi Foundation: Missionary Community for Europe

21 November 2016
Who are we today? Currently (after the departure of Br. Ariel Amato, called to perform the service of Provincial Definitor in Argentina) the Community of Palestrina (Rome, Italy) is composed of 5 brothers, all Italians, of which 4 are incardinated to the Foundation (Jacopo Pozzerle, Paul Iorio, Arturo Milici, Maurizio Pagliari) and 1 with annual obedience from his Provincial Minister (Giuseppe Frasca of the Roman Province). This summer, after a long process of discernment, another house of our Fraternity was founded in Croatia (Istria), composed of 3 Croatian friars (Drago Vujevic, Marinko Klaic, Josip Vlasic). As pilgrims and strangers in this world, serving the Lord in poverty and humility Besides the regular pastoral ministry in Palestrina, we are doing the ministry of evangelization in the regular work field: one of us is a counselor in a family counselling center for the diocese and another is studying to be a physiotherapist. Last summer we embarked on an itinerant journey in some areas of Europe. In France, in the footsteps of Mary Magdalene in the Camargue and Provence regions, we visited our house in Marseille. We were about ten friars and the experience was enriching fraternally and fruitful in terms of evangelization. We also had meaningful encounters with people: we particularly remember that in Marseille, we were invited to dinner by some young Muslims of North African origin. It became an opportunity for dialogue on faith. We also recall moments of prayer with people immediately after the tragedy of Nice. Happy living among those considered insignificant and despised; among the poor and the weak Living among people in distress rather than serving or working in a charitable structure is one of the current features of the Palestrina community. Encouraged by the Pope's invitation to welcome the poor, we've made our guest quarters available to house refugees (we hosted a young Syrian family for 7 months), and now we welcome economically-dependent persons. We eat meals daily with them which gives us an opportunity for dialogue and mutual understanding. Life goes on… [gallery link="file" ids="11977,11978,11979"]
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