
Br Antonio José Reyes López new Custos of Venezuela

22 July 2022

The Immaculate Conception Custody of Venezuela, gathered in Chapter at the Casa de Cristo Rey in Caracas, elected Br Antonio José Reyes López as Custos and Br Joel Alcides Castro as Custodial Vicar. The following were elected to the Council: Br. Boris Arturo Rivera Arévalo, Br. Joselito Ramírez Vivas and Br. José Luis Díaz Pérez. The Custody of Venezuela, dependent on the Franciscan Province of Santiago in Spain, currently has 18 friars distributed in six houses. The friars dedicate themselves to pastoral service, the soup kitchen, health care for the population and the education of young people through four schools. The Chapter, which began last Monday, 18 July and ends on Friday, is presided over by Brother Juan Manuel Bujá García, Minister Provincial of Santiago in Spain.

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