
Br. Bill Short appointed Director of Collegium S. Bonaventurae

13 February 2017
Br. William (Bill) Short has been appointed Director of the Collegium S. Bonaventurae - International Center for Franciscan Studies and Research, the successor of Quaracchi study center in Grottaferrata and is now at St. Isidore in Rome. At the request of the Board of the Collegium, which met for the first time in January, the General Definitory appointed Br. Bill as Director with the responsibility for coordinating all management tasks in close cooperation with the Board itself. Br. Bill Short is friar of the Province of Santa Barbara Province in California and teaches at the Franciscan School of Theology, based at the Mission San Luis Rey de Francia in Oceanside (California). Br. Bill is a scholar of the Franciscan Sources and is one of the three editors of the 4 volumes of the Franciscan Sources in English. He has held various positions in the Order including that of the Secretary of the 2015 General Chapter and General Visitor in Mexico and South Africa. Best wishes to the new Director!
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