
Br Carlos Paz, new Minister Provincial of Chile

26 January 2022
Br Carlos Guillermo Paz Guzmán - who belongs to the Province of St Francis Solano in Argentina - has been appointed Minister Provincial for the Holy Trinity Province in Chile. The Vicar Provincial, Br Raúl Segundo Allimant Jiménez, was also appointed. The following were appointed to the office of Provincial Definitors: Br Sergio Andrés Villalobos Ocaranza, Br Ricardo Aníbal Vásquez Olguin, Br José Manuel Hernández Vásquez and Br Nicolás Andrés Alfaro Varas. The appointment of the new Minister Provincial and Definitory was made by the Minister General and Definitory and announced on 24 January, at the beginning of the Provincial Chapter held at Casa “Alvernia”, in San Francisco de Mostazal, Region of Libertador General Bernardo O’Higgins, Chile, from 24 to 31 January 2022. For seven days, the Capitulars will reflect on the state of the Province in its various areas: Fraternity, Evangelisation, Mission, Justice Peace and Integrity of Creation, Finance and the revision of the Provincial Statutes. The Vicar General of the Order, Br Isauro Ulises Covili Linfati, and the General Definitor, Br César Külkamp, will accompany the activities of the Chapter in Chile to help the Province complete its journey of profound renewal and revitalisation.
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