
Br Daniel Fleitas Zeni confirmed as Provincial in Argentina

24 October 2022

The Provincial Chapter of the OFM Province of San Francisco Solano, Argentina, confirmed Br Daniel Alejandro Fleitas Zeni as Minister Provincial and elected Br Claudio Darío Equiza as Vicar Provincial. The Provincial Definitory is now composed of Br Nicolas Aguilar, Br Jorge Gabriel Ballarati, Br Rodolfo César Sos and Br Federico Carlos Rodríguez Schmädke.

Under the theme "On the way, we continue with the reshaping and redefinition of our life and mission", the friars gathered at Villa Santa Clara de Atuel, in San Rafael, from 11 to 18 October for the 11th Provincial Chapter.

Currently, the Province of San Francisco Solano has 59 solemnly professed friars, three friars in temporary vows, four novices and eight postulants, distributed in 15 fraternities throughout the country: from the north of Salta and Jujuy to the south of the Province of Buenos Aires, from the sea to the mountains.

The Chapter was presided over by Br Nestor Inácio Schwerz, Visitator General of the Province of St Francis in Brazil. 

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