
Br Gabriel Romero Alamilla elected Provincial of San Filipe de Jesús

20 June 2022

The Province of San Filipe de Jesús in Mexico, gathered in Chapter at Tapilula (Chiapas), elected on 15 June 2022 Br Gabriel Romero Alamilla as new Provincial and Br Mario Hernández Jiménez as Vicar Provincial. The Provincial Definitory is composed of: Br Tomas González Castillo, Br Mario Gabriel MooChale, Br Carlos Alberto Chablé , Br Israel Bernal Fernández and Br Victor Lenin Zenteno Trejo. Br Gabriel Romero Alamilla was born in Chetumal, Mexico, took his first vows in 1990, his solemn vows in 1996 and was ordained a priest on 18 December 1997. Until the days before his election, Brother Gabriel was the director of the 'La 72, Hogar - Refugio Para Personas Migrantes' home in Tenosique, Tabasco. "La 72" is dedicated to humanitarian assistance to migrants in transit and asylum seekers, who can find food, a place to rest and a different kind of accompaniment there according to their needs. The Chapter, which began last 13 June, ends on Saturday 18 and is presided over by Visitator General Br. Edwin Alvarado Segura of the Guadalupe Province of Central America.

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