
Br Jozo Grbeš elected Provincial in Herzegovina

27 April 2022
On 26 April 2022, the friars of the Franciscan Province of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Assumed into Heaven in Herzegovina, gathered in Chapter, elected as new Provincial Br Jozo Grbeš - until now Custos of the Custody of America and Canada - and as new Vicar Provincial Br Miro Šego. In addition, the following were elected to the office of Definitor: Br Mladen Vukšić, Br Danko Perutina, Br Ante Bekavac, Br Josip Vlašić and Br Slaven Brekalo. Br Jozo, the newly elected Provincial, was born in Kovacevo Polje, Sarajevo. He made his first vows in 1987, solemn vows in 1991 and was ordained a priest on 2 February 1993. The Chapter was presided over by the Visitator General, Br Miro Relota.
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