
Br. Matthias Maier: New President of “Missionszentrale der Franziskaner”

09 September 2016
9 September 2016 – At a ceremony last weekend, Br. Matthias Maier was welcomed by Br. Oliver Ruggenthaler (President of COTAF) as the new president of Missionszentrale der Franziskaner (MZF) in Bonn. Br. Matthias follows Br. Claudius Gross who served 6 years as Head of the Bonn-based relief organization. Br. Oliver and Br. Jan van den Eijnden (Vice-president of MZF) spoke about the uniqueness and internationality of MZF as a COTAF institution and thanked Br. Claudius in the name of the board of MZF. For more info, visit (Top Photo) The board of MZF: From left: Br. Augustinus Diekmann, Br. Jan van den Eijnden, Br. Fidelis Schorer, Br. Lorant Orosz, Br. Claudius Gross, Mr. David Reusch (MZF), Br. Oliver Ruggenthaler, Br. Matthias Maier, Mr. Markus Hoymann (MZF)
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