
Br Raimondo Girgis OFM appointed Apostolic Administrator of the Apostolic Vicariate of Aleppo

30 June 2022

Pope Francis has appointed as Apostolic Administrator sede vacante of the Apostolic Vicariate of Aleppo of the Latins, in Syria, Br Raimondo Girgis, until now Vicar General of the same circumscription. Br Raimondo was born in Damascus, Syria, on 6 January 1967, took his first vows in 1989, his solemn vows in 1992, and was ordained a priest on 23 July 1993. The appointment of Br Raimondo comes after Pope Francis accepted the resignation of the pastoral governance of the Vicariate, presented by Bishop George Abou Khazen, OFM. While we thank Bishop Georges for his generous pastoral service in challenging times in Syria, we wish Br Raimondo well in his pastoral service with abundant fruits of reconciliation and peace for the tormented land of Syria.

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