
Br Rogério Viterbo de Sousa has been named Custos

“Our Lady of the Seven Joys” Custody, Brazil

12 February 2024

The Franciscan Custody of Our Lady of the Seven Joys, gathered in Chapter at the friary of St. Francis in Campo Grande, Brazil, has received the appointment of the new Custodial Governing Body, elected by the General Definitory on the 9th January, 2024.

Br Rogério Viterbo de Sousa OFM has been elected Custos, Br Roberto Miguel do Nascimento OFM Vicar, with the following Councillors:  Br Arcides Luís Favaretto OFMBr Aluísio Alves Pereira Júnior OFM, Br  Neuzimar Santana Campos de Silva OFM and Br Pedro Renato Pereira da Silva OFM.

The Custody celebrated its Custodial Chapter from the 5th to 9th February 2024, with the theme "Fraternity, our vocation" and the motto "Reviewing and reinvigorating our mission". The Chapter was presided over by the Visitor General, Br Walter Schreiber; The Definitor General, Br César Külkamp, was also present as envoy of the Minister General, Br Massimo Fusarelli.

In his message to the Chapter, Br Massimo said: "The Custos, the Vicar and the four Councillors were elected by the General Definitory for a period of three years. The decision to appoint the Custodial Government respected the choices made by the friars and guided by the Visitor General. We would like this act to be a sign that you are not alone. Together we will find a way to better respond to our times and our realities. As your humble servant, I ask you to open your minds and hearts to live fully in this time of accompaniment and mediation."

Br Rogério Viterbo de Souza thanked God, the Minister General and the General Definitory for the trust in appointing him as Custos: "I also thank the brothers and sisters who have prayed for the good fruits of our Chapter and who pray for us friars. My heart is filled with gratitude at this time, and I ask the good Lord to grant us the graces to continue this service with dedication for the good of our Custody. May God help us to live to love in the measure of Christ's love, serving the poorest and neediest. This is my wish for this new moment in the historical journey of our Custody, counting on the help of all our brothers and sisters."


Chapters Entities General Definitorium
Br Massimo Fusarelli Br César Külkamp
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