
Br Witosław Sztyk elected Minister Provincial of Katowice, Poland

12 May 2022
On Wednesday, 11 May, the Chapter of the Province of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Poland elected a new Minister Provincial, Vicar Provincial and Definitory. The Minister Provincial elected today is Br Witosław Sztyk, while Br Wit Chlondowski is the new Vicar of the same Province. The new Definitors are Br Antonin Brząkalik, Br Ksawery Majewski, Br Olgierd Paszkiewicz, Br Walenty Piechaczek, Br Masseo Senczek. The Provincial Chapter, presided over by Br Alojzy Warot of the Province of St Mary of the Angels in Krakow, has as its theme "Listen to him who brings the rules of life" and takes place from 8 to 13 May. The new Minister Provincial Br Witosław Sztyk was rector of the student friars of the Blessed Gabriel Allegra fraternity from 2015 to 2022. He made his first vows in 1987, solemn vows in 1994 and was ordained a priest on 11 May 1995.    
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