
Br Zdravko Dadić elected Provincial in Bosnia

29 April 2022
On 27 April 2022, the friars of the Franciscan Province of the Holy Cross in Bosnia gathered in Chapter, elected Br Zdravko Dadić as their new Provincial and Br Janko Ćuro as their new Vicar Provincial. For the office of Definitor the following were elected: Br Drago Pranješ, Br Ivo Orlovac, Br Miro Relota, Br Vinko Sičaja, Br Petar Jeleč and Br Stipo Kljajić. Br Zdravko, the newly elected Provincial, was born in Gradačac, Sarajevo. He made his first vows in 1986, his solemn vows in 1991 and was ordained a priest on 20 July 1992. The Chapter, which began last Monday, 25 April, is presided over by the General Visitator, Br Bože Vuleta.
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