
Building bridges for Peace and Harmony: A Course on Ecumenical and Interreligious Dialogue in Istanbul

20 March 2019
To mark the historic event of the 800th Anniversary of St. Francis’ meeting with Sultan Malik al-Kamil, The Franciscan International Community in Turkey is offering a course on formation for ecumenical and inter-religious dialogue. The course, entitled “Building Bridges for Peace and Harmony”, will be held from the 14th to the 27th of October 2019 at Santa Maria Draperis Church in Istanbul, Turkey.   The course will explore the concept, significance, urgency and methodology of dialogue in the realities of our world today. There will be a symposium and a pilgrimage to Damietta, Egypt. The registration fee for the Program is € 600. For more information contact:
Br. Pascal Robert, OFM Br. Felianus Dogon, OFM Br. Eleuthere Makuta, OFM

Artwork: Niccolò Circignani | Photo: Sailko

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