
"Camminare Insieme" - A Gathering of the Fraternities Dependent on the General Ministers

28 November 2015
For the first time, the Franciscan Friars of the houses dependent on their respective General Ministers gathered at the “Seraphicum” in Rome on the morning of November 28, 2015. It was a full schedule. It began with prayer in the Aula Magna, led by OFM General Minister, Fr. Michael A. Perry and the Friars of the Antonianum, followed by the greeting of the TOR General Minister, Fr. N. Poliechnowski. After which, Fr. U. Sartorio, OFMConv gave a presentation on the encyclical, Laudato si', A. Tofanelli, OFMCap presented the itinerary regarding “Franciscan Friars in Chapter” then the video about the lives of two young Franciscan Martyrs. The day ended with all the participants’ renewal of vows presided by Fr. M. Jöhri, OFMCap General Minister. The gathering is a result of the Letter of the General Ministers of the First Order and TOR and the initiative of the Franciscan Friars of Assisi to “walk together,” which is the theme of the gathering [cf. ActaOFM 1(2015)60-65]. [gallery link="file" ids="9916,9917,9918,9919,9920,9921,9922,9923,9915,9924,9925,9926,9927,9928,9929,9930,9931,9932,9933,9934,9935,9936,9937,9938,9939,9940,9941"]
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