
Capitolo delle Stuoie in Marocco

“Un Capitolo un po’ speciale”

22 March 2024

In the Custody of the Holy Martyrs of Marocco, we normally come together once a year (except during the years when we have our elective chapter) to celebrate a “Chapter of Mats.” Our small number (18 brothers in all that actually live in Marocco) and great distances between communities make these gatherings necessary, that we might foster brotherhood and communion and try our best to keep from becoming more like a federation of separate monasteries.

This year, as we prepare for the International Chapter of Mats to take place in 2025, the gathering was extra special. Joining the 18 brothers was our brother, the Archbishop of Tangier, a Poor Clare sister, and three Franciscan sisters. We were excited to share these days with our guests, enjoying food, fellowship and prayer all together and in small groups. 

Breaking up into small groups with four brothers and a sister each, we discussed the three questions the Order has suggested for reflection: What aspects of the Franciscan charism do we enjoy? What does it mean to be prophetic in our minority? What is our mission for today?

We meditated in silent prayer first on these questions in light of readings from Philippians 2 and Saint Francis of Assisi’s Letter to the Faithful, 4-15. Then we shared about our own experiences coming from eleven different nations of origin, to a twenty year old conference, with our brief time in Morocco, listening also to the stories of the wonderful sisters who share our charism.

We also wanted to hear from the people we serve and try to support. For this reason, we invited the different fraternities to interview some of their faithful students, migrants, or Moroccan Muslims that they know, to share with the group how they see us Franciscans, what they like about us, and what they don’t understand about us. Then we watched video testimony from two other groups, including a Muslim theologian and the Archbishop of Tangier. These presentations greatly helped us to understand what the people are calling us to, as their kind words were both affirming and challenging.  

As stories were told and information shared, three panels of correspondents collected post-its from the gathered body with various questions or comments for the group. We dedicated a whole morning to these comments, trying to summarize what people heard.

Among other important considerations, the age old challenge of how the Church is to live in Moroccan land resurfaced. What should and does fraternal life look like here in this intercultural setting, as we share life with Muslim Moroccans? How might we maintain a healthy spirit of prayer and devotion in settings such as ours? 

Other newer questions emerged that need to be addressed: the issue of welcoming those called to this country without aligning ourselves to one group or another, the tension between itinerancy (a treasure of our charism) and the need for continuity in a life of ministerial service, the ability to enter into relationships of reciprocal trust, the question of minority (manual labor vs. professional work), the need to create different, more equalized relationships with the people, not just offering our formative or Sacramental help. 

We left this special gathering very grateful to God who has gifted us with our fraternity. The final Eucharistic celebration of our Chapter, which had been prepared by the sisters, contained an invitation to continue this important conversation. Blessed be the Lord for the gift of fraternal love set aflame even among such a diverse group of people.

Br Stéphane Delavelle, OFM

OFM in the World
Chapter of Mats
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