
Celebrate 800 Anniversary of Rule 1223 and Greccio in Velankanni

OFS in Tamilnadu-Pondicherry (India)

07 August 2023

Representatives of OFS Fraternities (around 3109 members) from Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry, totalling around 300 members, gathered in Velankanni from 28th to 30th July 2023 to celebrate the centenaries of the approval of the Later Rule and the Christmas Crib in Greccio. Velankanni's significance as one of India's most visited Marian Shrines, with a history of Franciscan missionaries serving as pastors from 1577 to 1889, added special meaning to the occasion.

Br. Oliver Fernando OFS – National President, India, Br. Br. Lawrence OFM-Cap Minister Provincial, Br. Antonysamy OFM-Cap Minister Provincial, Br. Xavier Durairaj OFM-Minister Provincial, along with Franciscan Sisters, including Sr. Maria Philo, Mother General of the Franciscan Sisters of Bon Secours (FBS), Sr. Stella Balthazar Provincial of the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary (FMM), Sr. Camilla, Provincial of the Franciscan Sisters of the Presentation of Mary (FSPM), and Spiritual Assistant Friars (Franciscans, Capuchins and Conventuals) to the OFS among others graced this occasion. 

Beyond the celebrations, these days of gathering were dedicated to inspiring the OFS representatives through training sessions, encouraging them to embrace the Franciscan Spirit as depicted in the Rule of 1223 and the Greccio event. The aim was to invigorate their fraternities with renewed enthusiasm and Vigor, carrying back the Franciscan insights they gained during this memorable occasion. 

Friars from the Capuchins and Franciscans and Sisters of the Franciscan Family delivered insightful addresses on various Franciscan themes. These included the Significance of St. Francis' Life in the Church, St. Francis' Relationship with the Gospel, St. Francis' Views on Ecology, Strengthening the Vulnerable through St. Francis' Example of Bearing Christ, St. Clare of Assisi and the Eucharist, St. Francis' Experiences at Greccio during Christmas, Notable Saints in the Franciscan Order, St. Francis' Connection with the Eucharist, Embracing the Gospel Life of St. Francis, St. Francis' Spiritual Journey at La Verna, and the Spirituality of St. Francis, among others.

The days were filled with engaging activities, including a debate on the spiritual upbringing of families – whether it is better led by men or women. Additionally, a Quiz Competition on the Rule of St. Francis and the Constitutions of the OFS added an element of excitement and knowledge-sharing to the event.

The Eucharist was celebrated by Most Rev. Dr. George Antonysamy, the Archbishop of Chennai-Mylapore. In his sermon, he expressed profound admiration for St. Francis and the Franciscan Centenaries being commemorated. The Archbishop invited the members of the Franciscan Family present to embrace the timeless spirit of St. Francis, emphasizing that his teachings remain relevant even in today's times. He encouraged them to infuse a sense of renewal and vitality into the life of the local church, starting from their local OFS fraternitas.

The Rosary Procession, accompanied by the warm glow of lighted candles, from the event's venue to the 350-year-old statue of St. Francis of Assisi, was a truly remarkable and moving moment. This procession served as a heartfelt expression of gratitude towards God's providential act, manifested through the tireless efforts of the Franciscan Missionaries from Portugal. These devoted missionaries dedicated themselves to bringing the Good News to the people of these regions during the sixteenth and later centuries.

During the gathering, another remarkable achievement was the release of the Omnibus in Tamil, titled "Vergal" (Roots). The Franciscan Family of Tamilnadu and Pondicherry, under the guidance of Br. Divakar, OFM-Cap, took on the challenging task of translating the entire Omnibus into Tamil. This initiative was undertaken with the noble intention of spreading the richness of Franciscan Sources to a wider audience. The translation process was undoubtedly laborious, requiring dedication and concerted efforts from the team involved. Nevertheless, their perseverance and commitment to the project were commendable, and they succeeded in realizing this remarkable feat.

The gathering held in Velankanni-Tamilnadu was an unprecedented event, organized at this scale for the first time. Br. Lawrence OFM Cap, Br. Singarayar OFS, Councillor for Tamilnadu Region, along with other devoted OFS brothers and Sisters, played a crucial role in orchestrating the event with unwavering dedication and commitment. Their efforts turned the celebration into a truly memorable and fruitful experience.

These days of communion and spiritual enrichment will be cherished in the memory lane of the OFS Tamilnadu-Pondicherry region, forever etched as a milestone in the history of their fraternities. The event's success not only strengthened their bonds as a Franciscan Family but also ignited a renewed sense of enthusiasm to continue living the Franciscan values in their lives and communities.

Franciscan Family Entities OFM in the World Franciscan Centenary
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