
Celebrating the Feast of St. Mary Mediatrix, Patroness of the OFM General Curia

10 May 2021
On the 8th of May 2021, the Community of the OFM General Curia, observing health and safety protocols, celebrated the feast of its patroness St. Mary Mediatrix. The highlight of the feast was the 11:30 a.m. Eucharistic concelebration. Br. Hugh McKenna, OFM, Guardian of St. Isidore’s College in Rome presided, assisted by the General Definitor, Br. Lino Gregorio Redoblado and the Secretary for Formation and Studies, Br. Cesare Vaiani. The Friars of the General Curia with a few friends of the community were in attendance. [gallery type="rectangular" link="file" ids="29590,29591,29592,29593,29594,29595,29596,29598,29597,29599,29600"]
General Definitorium
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