
Celebrating the first anniversary of Laudato si’

15 June 2016
June 18 marked the first year anniversary of the publication of the encyclical, on care of our common house, by Pope Francis: Laudato Si'. We have already published some resources to celebrate the "Laudato Si' week." Please visit for more information. This month, some brothers of the JPIC carried out activities related to awareness and care of creation. In the area of Chiapas, Mexico, Br. Adín Morales communicates to us about an ecological walk from PANTEPEC to TAPALAPA and also a Franciscan ecological camp with the planting of 100 trees. In Italy singer-songwriter, Br. Gianni Mastromarino, informs us that this month he will publish a new single "Laudato Si'" in Italian, which will be available in July in English and Spanish in the web site: In Colombia, Br. José E. Parra, has launched a campaign of collecting signatures, to send to the Colombian Government rejecting the Fracking mining processes. If you want to sign it please go to the link: In Honduras, Br. René Flores, sent word that they have had an ecumenical encounter on Mother Earth with the slogan " creation groans with birth pains." Its aim was to celebrate of the first anniversary of the Encyclical "Laudato Si'.", and to do a reflection on care for our common home, reporting on the primary issues of the country. Finally, within the framework of the celebration of the week Laudato Si', Br. Michael Perry, our general Minister, took part on Tuesday, June 14, in a web conference on chapters 2, 3 and 4 of the encyclical, organized by the "movement Catholic World Movement for the climate". [gallery link="file" ids="11028,11027,11026,11025,11024,11023"]
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