
Celebrating the Fruits of the Gospel in Asia | The Gathering of the East Asia Conference

31 October 2018
The ministers of the East Asia Conference (EAC) gathered in Japan to hear the fruits of the Plenary Council Meeting of the Order (PCO) so to strengthen fraternal bond among the members of the EAC and open venues for collaboration. The general assembly was held on October 22-26, 2018 at the OFM Province of the Holy Martyrs of Japan, Mihara, Nagasaki, Japan. The chosen theme for the meeting is: “Celebrating the Fruits of the Gospel in Asia.” Friars who attended the meeting were Provincial ministers, Custodes, Foundation Presidents and Secretaries for Formation and Studies, Mission and Evangelization and JPIC of the East Asia Conference. They were all delighted to listen to the beautiful sharing of our brothers who participated in the Plenary Council of the Order that was held in Nairobi, Kenya. The friars also had a taste of the World Café process which was employed in PCO Meeting. The process proved to be a wonderful venue for the pollination of ideas which includes the best processes in each of the entity that could serve as an inspiration to all. The friars promised to provide more venues for exchanges of ideas similar to the World Café especially in this Asian region characterized by a wide array of cultures and traditions. The friars also discussed the blueprint for the Franciscan Center of Studies in Asia (FCSA) which may serve as a center for Franciscan studies, mission preparation and ongoing formation not only for Asians but for all. Br. Greg Redoblado, OFM, Definitor General for Asia and Oceania, challenged all friars to stay true to their calling. “Our Franciscan values of consecration, fraternity, minority, closeness to the poor and care for the environment remain to be relevant…The world is searching for daring witnesses. Let us take the challenge,” he said. [gallery type="rectangular" link="file" ids="20687,20688,20689,20690"]
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