
Celebration of the Antonianum University and the Grand Chancellor 2019

17 January 2019
From Monday 14th  to Tuesday 15th January 2019, on the occasion of the traditional Feast Day of the University and the Grand Chancellor, the international congress of “Francis of Assisi: from patron saint of Italy to patron saint of promoters of ecology” took place. During the session on 14th January, after the introductory greetings by Fabien Revol on behalf of the “Jean Bastaire” Chair of the Université Catholique de Lyon, Mirko Santanicchia presented the nineteenth-century rediscovery of the saint of Assisi and Francis at the crossroads: Vir Catholicus or “Alter Orpheus”. This was followed by Rosa Giorgi who spoke on the iconography of Saint Francis between peace and ecology. On the morning of 15th January, the Pontifical Antonianum University conferred a doctorate in theology honoris causa on Professor Carlo Paolazzi. Many reasons led to the granting of this prestigious honour, all linked to his unique expertise and achievements in the field of teaching and research. The award which was previously granted by the Franciscan University to only Gabriele Maria Allegra, on 17th January 1955, and Cesare Cenci, on 16th January 2007, began with the Laudatio - “In memoria et devocione sancti patris.” Carlo Paolazzi witness to friar Francis, proclaimed by Attilio Bartoli Langeli. Then the Vicar General of the Order of Friars Minor and Vice-Grand Chancellor of the Pontifical Antonianum University Julio César Bunader addressed the assembly and presented the award. The ceremony concluded with Carlo Paolazzi’s lectio magistralis: “The praise of God the Creator and the ‘Canticle of Brother Sun.’” [gallery type="rectangular" link="file" ids="21290,21292,21294,21295,21296,21297,21298,21299,21300,21301,21302,21303,21304,21305,21306"]
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