
Celebration of the World Day of Prayer for the Safeguard of Creation

Büyükada, Istanbul

06 October 2023

On Saturday 23 September, the World Day of Prayer for the Integrity of Creation was celebrated in the Parish of St Pacific of the Friars Minor in Büyükada, in the presence of the Apostolic Vicar of Istanbul, Mgr Maximilian Palinuro. It was also an opportunity for us Friars Minor to present the Laudato Si' Centre in Tierrablanca. Br. Georges Misange also took the opportunity to present his book: Éthique comme harmonie du monde, Introduction à l'éthique de la création (Ethics as Harmony of the World, Introduction to the Ethics of Creation). 

Speaking of the centre, it is an intercultural centre for training in integral ecology. The centre is called Tierrablanca in memory of Monsignor Rubén Tierrablanca González and his interfaith, ecumenical and ecological commitment in Istanbul.

Why Büyükada? The choice of this site was motivated, among other things, by a series of initiatives on the part of the Turkish government and the Church of Istanbul. Firstly, from the government's point of view, Büyükada is an island dedicated to the protection of the environment, a place where there are no devices that can pollute nature (vehicles, motorbikes, etc.). But it is also an island with an intercultural vocation. From an ecclesial point of view, the Laudato Si' Committee of the Vicariate of Istanbul, at the time of Mgr Ruben, had already chosen this place to meet and celebrate the World Days of Prayer for the Integrity of Creation.

For these reasons, the idea was born to create a centre for dialogue, cultural exchange, meetings and training in integral ecology, in order to build a true family or network of cosmic brotherhood based on human values. It is also a response to the call of the Holy Father, Pope Francis, who speaks of ecumenical cooperation for the safeguard of Creation. To this end, he invites us to join our Christian and non-Christian brothers and sisters in a commitment to the care and safeguard of creation. As the Metropolitan of Chalcedon, His Eminence Emmanuel, said in his interview with Vatican Radio (1 September), the "inner revolution" we need to protect the environment "requires global, collective and individual action. We are all involved, even if some theological issues separate us: all religions and philosophical convictions are called to dialogue, to work and to act together in a responsible way on environmental issues. It is this commitment that explains the reason for the creation of our Centre.

One of the Centre's aims is to promote joint reflection on the possibilities of a suitable environment and to help people become aware of the need to take responsibility for the environment in which they live. Other objectives are to promote dialogue in its various aspects, especially anthropological, intercultural and ecological; to promote education in respect of the natural, social, cultural and economic environment; and to raise awareness of environmental and climate justice through concrete actions. 

In short, the vocation of the Centre will be to promote the beauty of universal fraternity, the culture of peace and social, climatic and environmental justice, naturally in collaboration with the various commissions at the ecclesial level, the Order of Friars Minor and the Apostolic Vicariate of Istanbul.

Returning to the celebration of the day, on Saturday 23 September, after a presentation of the Centre and its objectives by Sister Miriam Oyarzo, Br.  Georges Misange presented his book, focusing his reflections on the beauty of harmony in the world. The existential vocation of man must be his responsibility towards the whole of Creation. This is the meaning of today's new humanism, a true Copernican revolution based on a new ethic, not an environmental ethic, but an ethic of Creation. This ethic focuses on the relationships, interactions and bonds that exist in nature and society. For authentic life and its true richness lie in these relationships, in these exchanges based on love, fraternity and friendship. The miracles of true and valuable coexistence can only happen through sincere humanity.

At the end of the day, Shiri and Murat (a Sufi couple) gave a presentation on upcycling before inviting the Apostolic Vicar, Bishop Maximilian, to close the day with a procession and prayer in front of the tree planted by Bishop Ruben Tierrablanca for the 2018 Day of Prayer for Creation. Bishop Maximilian congratulated the sons of St. Francis of Assisi for this splendid initiative and insisted on the commitment of all to act and work together for the safeguard and protection of Creation and to learn to live together as brothers and sisters, as the Holy Father and the Synod have invited us to do.

With the contribution of Br. Georges Misange

OFM in the World
Integral Ecology Season of Creation
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