
Centenary Celebration of Greccio from the Franciscan Conference of Bolivia

The Importance of Simplicity and Peace

20 December 2023

During the   anniversary of the Franciscan Centenary celebrations the Franciscan Conference of Bolivia under the direction of Fr. José Alirio Urbina Rodríguez, OFM, Minister Provincial of the Province of Holy Faith, in Colombia, organised the event which took place on the evening of 17th december 2023, in order to remember the Greccio event in actuality and in a synodal manner. The Province of  Saint Francis of Solano and twelve Apostles in Perù, together with the Province of Saint Paul the Apostle and the Province of Holy Faith in Colombia, carried out that event with an intention of uniting the friars in a festive meeting and offer a prayer of peace for the whole world.

The principal objective of the meeting was to create a space for fraternal union and raise a prayer in honor of the born child the symbol of hope and peace for the world.

"We hope that this spiritual awakening will allow us to concentrate on the essential message of that historical moment which is re-addressed to our hearts, the humility of Jesus who was born in a manger, enriching us with with his simplicity ". This was expressed by Fr. José Alirio.

This initiative seeks to promote the reflection on the essence of the Franciscan message and remind us on the importance of simplicity and peace in today’s world.

Conferences OFM in the World Franciscan Centenary
Bolivarian Conf.
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