
Chapter of Mats in the Custody of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Brazil, 1st–4th July 2024

09 July 2024

From the 1st –4th July 2024, the Custody of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in Brazil, celebrated its Chapter of Mats at the friary of Our Lady of the Angels in Franca/SP.

In addition to the friars of the Custody, the Chapter was attended by the Visitator General for the Custodial Chapter, Br. Luís Augusto Ferreira Lessa, OFM, Franciscan Sisters, lay men and women engaged in the most diverse fronts of evangelization in which we work.

As an introduction and words of inspiration for the subsequent reflections that would arise, we made use of the collaboration of some facilitators, remotely, who prepared the participants for the meeting in their interventions. We experienced four moments: the first animated by Br. Rodrigo de Castro Amedée Péret, OFM, who reflected on the theme "The Mystery of Creation – Preparation of the Theological Scenario (Integral Ecology)"; the second with Br. Gustavo Wayand Medella, OFM, Provincial Vicar of the Franciscan Province of the Immaculate, who addressed the theme "Downsizing starting from evangelization and new forms of presence today". The third reflection was made by Sister Vânia Martins, FNSA, with the theme "Spirituality from the 800 years of the Stigmata of St. Francis - from La Verna to the present day". Finally, we welcomed the General Definitor for Latin America, Br. César Külkamp, OFM, who presented a reflection on "The Calls of the Franciscan Charism Today in Our History – Life, Mission, Evangelization and Downsizing."

Amongst the various moments proposed in this meeting, rich in fraternal experience and Franciscan mysticism, we point out the work in groups carried out according to the World Café mode, where it was possible to listen to each one in his or her most diverse ideas and proposals, starting with the question that was launched as a reflection for the participants: "How could the Franciscans live the charism today with all the challenges that look to the future?". 

After a summary formulated with the ideas and proposals obtained, a final synthesis will be drawn up and presented to the Chapter of Mats of the Franciscan Conference of Brazil - Southern Cone from the 25th-29th August, 2024 in Belo Horizonte/MG - Brazil. From this meeting, a final document will be proposed to be sent to the OFM for the Order's Mat Chapter to be held in Assisi in 2025.

The Custos, Br. Fernando Aparecido dos Santos, OFM, presided over the closing celebration and in his homily emphasized the Lord's invitation to all of us: "The Lord invites us, or rather, calls us to the imperative 'come' to be and remain with Him, especially when we feel tired, fatigued, without strength or when everything becomes clouded and we cannot even see the compass,  leading us to discouragement and spiritual tepidity."

"As we embark on this journey of seeking and encountering the Lord, a journey already begun by each of us since Baptism, we desire, in the footsteps of the people of Assisi, to discover and let ourselves be enchanted by every brother and sister we have met along the way, recognizing in them the Lord Himself who, not infrequently, remains wounded and disfigured while waiting for our closeness and fraternity. But to recognize the Lord, we must first know Him, create intimacy with Him, communion, that is, eat from the same plate," added the Custos.

Let us pray to the Mother of God, our advocate and queen, to intercede for our entire Order. May St. Francis of Assisi, our Seraphic Father, help us to reflect and revive our identity as Friars Minor.

Br. Alef Henrique Pavini, OFM, Custodial Secretary

Chapters Entities
Chapter of Mats
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