
Chapter of the Franciscan Foundation in Russia and Kazakhstan

21 March 2017
  The Chapter of the Foundation of St. Francis in Russia and Kazakhstan was held at the General Curia in Rome on  13-17 March 2017. Various presentations were given including the reports of: the Visitor General, Br. Emanuel Sabadakh (Ukraine) about his visit in Russia and Kazakhstan; their President, Br. Bogumil Bednarski about their Life and Mission; the Minister General, Br. Michael A. Perry; Br. Luca Baiano on Ongoing Formation; Br. Stefano Invernizzi on finances; Br. Luis Gallardo on missionary vocation, Mons. Kulbokas Visvaldas on "political, social and religious reality in post-Soviet countries” and Br. Priamo Etzi on '' Authority and Obedience." The friars also had a chance to dialogue with all the speakers. More importantly, they were able to talk among themselves. General Definitor, Br. Ivan Sesar was present the whole time.New Government The Chapter concluded with the proclamation of the Foundation's new government elected by the Minister General and Definitory: Br. Stefano Invernizzi,  (President); Councillors: Br. Eliot Marecki, Br. John Gibbons, Br. Bernardin Turmann. Check out the rest of the photos here.
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