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Chapter of the Mats - Province of St Francis of Quito


24 February 2024

From February 20th to 22nd, 2024, at the friary of Our Lady of the Heavens, Azogues, Ecuador, the friars of the Province of St Francis of Quito celebrated the Chapter of the Mats with the theme: “Charisma, Communion and Mission: looking at the past with gratitude, living the present with passion and embracing the future with hope.” 

Under these dimensions, in the light of the Holy Spirit, the friars evaluated their journey throughout several centuries of glorious history, but with the need to open themselves up to the new demands of a society in an increasingly changing world.

Likewise, this space was conducive to establishing commitments that will guide the Province along a path of renewal and “prophetism”, being ambassadors of peace and goodness in a country that has been plagued, in recent years, by violence and drug trafficking.

Br Ignacio Ceja, OFM, Vicar General, and Br César Külkamp, OFM, Definitor General for Latin America, participated in this Chapter. 

May God, the ever-Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Francis of Assisi guide the journey of this Seraphic Province.

Written with the collaboration of Br Oscar Castro, OFM

Br César Külkamp Br Ignacio Ceja Chapter of Mats
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