
Chidenguele welcomes eight young postulants

Custody of Saint Clare of Assisi (Mozambique)

30 January 2024

On the 25th January, 2024 the Feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul, eight aspirants were admitted to the Postulancy in the Custody of Saint Clare of Assisi, in Mozambique. The Rite of Admission, was presided over by Br Édson Augusto Nhatuve, Delegate of the Custos, was attended by the Postulancy Training Team and Monsignor Adriano Langa, OFM, Bishop Emeritus of Inhambane.

After the ceremony, the eight postulants, coming from various parts of Mozambique, expressed their joy and expectations.

For Joaquim Alberto Chato, 25 years old, born in Sofala, "the Postulancy means a time of discernment prior to entering the novitiate".

Good discernment is also shared by the young Efligenio Paulo Ganane, 21 years old, born in Gaza.

For Jorge Marques Marcelino Comé, 22 years old and born in Inhambane, postulancy is the stage that begins is that of discernment and the hope of being formed and starting to live the Franciscan life.

Discernment is also a watchword for Romoaldo João Vicente, 27 years old, born in Nampula.

For Francisco Armando Dimande, 19 years old, born in Maputo, the postulancy "is the place to begin the Franciscan journey with the friars".

Fraternal life is also the central point for Bendito Cesário, 22 years old, born in Cabo Delgado.

“I hope to fall in love with the poor and crucified Christ, as the Seraphic Father Saint Francis did” is the desire of Maganha João Verniz, 26 years old, born in Manica, who, feeling the vocation to the Franciscan life, left the third year of Mathematics at University.

And finally, for Salvador António, 18 years old, born in Niassa, the stage that begins "is preparation for fraternal life".

With this entry into the Postulancy, the Custody concluded the ten days of the Franciscan Vocation, which began on the 15th January with the entry into the Novitiate of 6 postulants, on the 16th January with the First Professions of 4 novices and the renewal of the vows of 29 Temporarily Professed friars.

Currently the Custody of Saint Clare of Assisi in Mozambique has 8 postulants, 6 novices and 38 friars of Temporary Profession.

Br Evodio João, OFM

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