
Closing of the 2016 Meeting with the Visitators General

18 November 2016
The 2016 meeting between the Visitators General and the Minister General and his Definitory has concluded. The Visitators are thus officially sent to the Brothers of the various entities of the Order who will be holding their Elective Chapter. At the Concluding Mass, the Minister General encouraged the Visitators in these words:

Let us take hope. The Lamb that has been slain for us is not far away. He is present to each of us and present to the brothers in each of the entities of the Order. He is present to the Church in these challenging times, inviting it to become once again a ‘pilgrim Church’, a ‘Church that is poor and for the poor’, on the journey with all of humanity and creation walking in procession towards the Kingdom of God. God also is present in the unfolding events of human history, those that are good and even those that are evil, offering his love, mercy, and grace to all and inviting all to turn back and be saved.

May we open our lives to the invitation of the Lamb, allowing the radical call to follow in His footprints as ‘lesser brothers’ guide our lives and propel us forward, going together to the peripheries with a word of hope, carrying the joy of the Gospel in our hearts.

Here is the complete text of the Minister General's homily: MG Homily Conclusion (English) MG Omelia conclusiva (italiano)
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