
Collaboration among the Three Families of the First Order in Lusaka in Africa

15 February 2016
From January 31 to Febraury 6, 2016 the three Formation Secretaries of the families of the First Order (Friar Cesare Vaiani OFM, Friar Roberto Carboni OFMConv, Friar Charles Alphonse OFMCap) traveled to Lusaka (Zambia) on a visit to St. Bonaventure University-College and their respective houses of formation. A study center for philosophy has existed in Lusaka for 24 years as an affiliate of the Pontifical University Antonianum. It has a three-year program which offers a Bachelor’s degree in philosophy. It is a beautiful experience of cooperation between the three Orders who jointly run this school for about 140 friar students of the three Orders as well as students from other religious institutes including lay students. Besides the school buildings, the campus includes the three houses of formation. There are currently 42 students and three senior friars in the OFM house. Each Formation Secretary met with the brothers of their family and they all shared prayer services in common including the celebration of February 2, the conclusion of the Year of Consecrated Life. The house in Lusaka is a beautiful testimony of collaboration between the three families of the First Order, cultivating the promising Franciscan presence in Africa. [gallery link="file" ids="10392,10393,10394,10395,10396,10397"]
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