
Commission for Prayer and Devotion Meeting

05 December 2017
The Commission for Prayer and Devotion, made up of Fr. Gerardo Evans, Fr. Emilio Rocha Grande, Fr. Diego Dalla Gassa, and Fr. Julio César Bunader (Vicar General), met from 25th to 30th November 2017, at the Gethsemane Hermitage, Jerusalem, with the aim of evaluating the reception of the aid “Listen and you will live: Guidelines for establishing a hermitage fraternity or house of prayer” (March 2017) and in order to share the replies received from the Order’s various entities in respect of the existence of a fraternity where prayer is the priority, in line with the guidelines. The members of the Commission will continue to serve, by way a new enquiry into the Entities of our Order, widening the aid’s horizons, with the aim of deepening its knowledge as regards other realities, for example: experiences which take their inspiration from the Hermitage Rule or projects tied up with the life of prayer and devotion of a Provincial nature which are already developing. The meeting was blessed through fraternal sharing and prayer with the Gethsemane fraternity. Other meaningful events included: the visit to the Bethlehem fraternity, the Mass at the Grotto of the Nativity, and the participation at the solemn profession of 3 new friars in the church of St. Saviour in Jerusalem. [gallery type="rectangular" link="file" ids="17440,17441,17442"]
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