
Communique from the General Definitory - July 2022 Tempo Forte

30 July 2022

The July Tempo Forte took place from 11 to 22 July 2022, immediately after the meeting with the ministers provincial and custodes elected in the last two years, which took place at the General Curia from 29 June to 8 July. The Definitory also carried out a thorough review of the proceedings of this meeting, taking into account the suggestions of the participants. In addition to welcoming the new Vicar General, Br Ignacio CEJA JIMÉNEZ, during this Tempo Forte, the General Definitory examined the amendments to the Particular Statutes of seven Entities of the Order, approving two of them. New scholarships were granted to several students for the academic year 2022/2023, and 69 were renewed for students already engaged in various study courses. In the afternoon of Monday, 11 July, the General Definitory met with all the curia officers to review the work carried out this year, the objectives achieved, and the different forms of collaboration developed. In several sessions, the General Definitory discussed the preparatory path for the General Chapter of Mats to be held from 1 to 8 June 2025 at Santa Maria degli Angeli-Assisi. Some meetings of the General Definitory were scheduled with some Conferences, with UCLAF and with UFME. Administrative matters of the "St Francis of Assisi" Foundations in Russia, Sudan and South Sudan, and "Notre Dame d'Afrique" in the Republic of Congo (Brazzaville), dependent on the Minister General, were dealt with. Requests for admission to various stages of initial formation of candidates from the Foundations and Custodies dependent on the Minister General were examined. The General Definitory also had the opportunity to meet the General Bursar, the Secretary and the Vice Secretary General for Formation and Studies, the Secretary General for Evangelisation, the outgoing Director and the new Director of the General Office for Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation, the Director and the Vice Director of the Project Development Office, the members of the Management Board and the Governing Body of the OFM Fraternitas Foundation. During this Tempo Forte, the lists of Candidates for the service of Minister Provincial and Custodes of the following Provinces were approved:

The following Visitators General were elected

The following Delegates of the Minister General were elected

The acts of the elections were ratified that took place in:

The Reports at the conclusion of the Canonical Visitation of the following entities were analysed:

The Report on the Status of the St Francis of Assisi Foundation in Papua New Guinea, dependent on the Minister General, was again reviewed and discussed in an attempt to outline better the possible future of this entity and the friars enrolled in it. The following cases of separation from the Order were dealt with:

Three cases of graviora delicta and five cases of possible delicts contra sextum were examined. From Sunday 24 to Wednesday 27 July, the General Definitory will devote itself to an in-depth and prolonged review meeting of this first year of work, both from the point of view of the reports and the work objectives achieved. The next Tempo Forte is scheduled from 5 to 16 September 2022. To the praise of Christ and the Poverello of Assisi. Amen!   Rome, 23 July 2022

Br Giovanni Rinaldi, OFM

Secretary General

General Definitorium
General Secretariat Tempo Forte
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