
Communiqué of the general Definitory

Of the Tempo Forte of November 2023

05 December 2023

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The Tempo Forte took place from 3rd to 10th November at the General Curia, “St. Mary Medriatrix” in Rome. From 13th to 21st November the General Definitory met the Minister Provincials and Custos of the Entities of the Order in two working sessions of the Tempo Forte which were carried out from 16th  to  20th 2023. 

The General Definitory had time for sharing on experiences which were lived from the last Tempo Forte in order to deepen their mutual relations. The General Definitory met the financial management of the foundation of OFM Fraternitas for the benefit of integrating them to the development office. It examined the drafted program of the General Definitory meeting with African conference which will take place in January 2024.  Fr. Claudio DURIGHETTO, the Chair person from the desk of work presented the regulations which were established on economic and administrative work of the General Curia and met the consultants of the General bursar in order to discern on the issue of the table for the poor which operates at St. Anthony International College in Rome.

The General Definitory appointed the following:


The General Definitory approved the candidates for the office of Minister Provincial of the following Entities:

-Province of Twelve Apostles in Perù (Lima).

The General Definitory ratified the acts of election of the following Entities that took place:

In the Chapter: 

- The Province of St Francis Herald of Peace in Indonesia and West Papua (Jayapura).

- The Province of Saints and Martyrs of Korea in South Korea (Seoul).

 In Capitular Congress:

- The Province of Saints Francis and James in Mexico (Zapopan).

- The Foundation St. Francis in Russia.

Outside the Chapter:

-The Guardians of the Province of St.  Juniper Serra in Mexico (Tijuana),1.

-  From the Province of Holy Cross in Bosnia-Herzegovina (Sarajevo)1.

The General Definitory analyzed the following Reports:

- Post Canonical visitation of the Province of St. Bonaventure in Italy (Rome).

The updates on the Province of St. Phillip of Jesus in Mexico (Izamal).

The report on the Autonomous Custody of St. Clare in Mozambique (Maputo).

The reports on the Custody of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Albania and Montenegro (Shkodër).

The General Definitory listened to the updates on the following Entities:

-The Province of St. Francis of Quito in Ecuador (Quito), having met the Provincial Minister.

The Province of Transylvania St. Stephen the King, in Romania (Cluj-Napoca).

The Penitentiary Fraternity of St. John Lateran in Italy (Rome).

The Foundation of St. Francis in Sudan and South Sudan.

The General Definitory approved the Particular statutes of the General Definitory and of the General Secretariate of the Franciscan Mission (Waterford) and under condition the statutes of the following entities:

-The Province of Saints Martyrs of Japan (Tokyo).

- The Province Saints Peter and Paul in Mexico (Michoacan).

-Political /ethical code for the protection and safeguarding the Minors and Vulnerable Adults for:

-Pontifical University Antonianum, in Italy (Rome).


The General Definitory dealt with the following cases of separation from the Order:

-Dispensation from Temploral vows: 1 case.

- Indult of esclaustrazione: 4 cases.

- Indult of secularization ad experimentum: 2 cases.

- Indult of dispensation from solemn vows: 1 case.

- Indult of. dispensation from the obligations of clerical state and solemn vows: 6 cases.

- Dismissal from the Order: 1 case.

The General Definitory examined the practical cases which are already in the process and new cases:

- Possible case of  graviora delicta: 1 case .

- Graviora delicta: 1 case.

The General Definitory dealt with the following economical and administrative practices:

-The approval of the Budget Projects 2024 presented by the development office. 

- Signing the agreement between the International College of St. Anthony and the Rome Capital with regard to some legal issues pertaining to previous taxes.

- Approval of the balance of the year 2022.

- The annulment of the contract of renting at the International College of St. Anthony. 

- The approval of Contribution of solidarity fund for the year 2024.


The General Definitory dealt with other three practical cases of various degree:

-Suppression of houses: 9 cases.

- Re-admission into the Order: 3 cases.

- Concession of obedience for going into mission: 2.

- Concession of obedience for going back into one’s  Entity: 1.

- Concession of scholarship and obedience to reside at the fraternity of the Blessed      Gabriele Allegra at CISA, in Rome: 5.

- The transfer of the commissary of the Holy Land: 1.

- Requesting concession for plenary Indulgency: 1.

- Presentation of the New Legal Representative: 1.

During the meeting of the General Definitory with new Minister Provincials and custos that took place from 13th-21st November, 22 Minister provincials participated; the formative programme was enriched by the visits to Fonte Colombo and Greccio, during the anniversary of 800 years of the approval of the Rule and the commemoration of the nativity of Greccio.  Thanks to all the friars of the General Curia and those outside the Curia who took care of the event. It is a fraternal congratulation to each Minister Provincial for the services that he renders to his Entity. 

At the end, the General Definitory verified and evaluated the progress of the Tempo Forte.

The General Definitory is reminding the Ministers and the Secretaries of all the Entities of all the Order and all the Presidents and Guardians of the Entities dependent on the Minister General to communicate with the office of the General Curia through the email which is already provided. Whoever has not yet received it is asked to contact the General Secretary (; soon they will receive the information on how to deal with the data and  privacy (GDPR); they are reminded to verify and update the data present on the Database.

The next Tempo Forte will take place from 18th to 22nd December 2023. All the secretaries of all the Entities of the Order all reminded to submit the requests that will be dealt with during the definitory meeting within one week from the beginning of the Tempo Forte; the requests that will be received outside the time frame will be postponed until the next Tempo Forte.

Praise to Christ and the Poor man of Assisi. Amen!

Rome, 29th November 2023
Feast of all the saints of the seraphic Order
800 years of the Rule – Franciscan Centenary

Br. Antonio M. IACONA, OFM
General Secretary  


General Definitorium
Tempo Forte
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