
Communiqué of the General Definitory on the January 2024 Tempo Forte

30 January 2024

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The January Tempo Forte took place from the 8th to the 17th at the General Curia of “St. Mary Mediatrix", in Rome.

The General Definitory, according to the practice that is becoming more and more consolidated, that in the first session of the work, time was spent in personal narration, this allows the members to deepen their mutual relationships and share their experiences that have happened during the short period that has elapsed since the last Tempo Forte. After further discussion on the experience of Discerning leadership, it was possible to outline a path on which to continue formation, starting from the themes of interculturality and synodality; it continued the discernment of the personnel of the Curia and the Fraternity, of the friars of the Dependent Fraternities (Lateran Penitentiaries, teaching staff and students at “St. Anthony’s International College”) and of the Entities with a particular missionary vocation (Morocco, Turkey).

The members of the Definitory have begun to plan its Meeting with the New Ministers/Custodes, which will take place at the General Curia from the 10th to 18th May. They met with officials from the General Secretariat for Formation and Studies, the Office of Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation to hear updates and future planning. They revised the programme for the visit to “Our Lady of Guadalupe” Conference of Mexico-Central America-Caribbean. They met with br Dennis TAYO, General Animator for the Missions, br Federico GANDOLFI and br Peter Bazilio TINDO for some updates on the “St. Francis” Foundation in Sudan and South Sudan. They verified some situations on the missionary presence in Thailand and on the Foundation of Congo-Brazzaville. They continued to reflect upon the work of revision of the General Curia (Chapter Orientation No. 29). They conducted updates on the “Mensa S. Antonio” operating at the International College of “St. Anthony”, in Rome. They took part in the audience with the Holy Father on the occasion of the centenary of the foundation of the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum in Jerusalem and at the “Feast of the University and the Grand Chancellor” at the Pontifical University Antonianum. They met with the Board of Directors of the “Fondazione Opere Antoniane” (FOA) to present some proposals for optimizing the internal services at the “St. Anthony” International College; br John PUODZIUNAS, Bursar General, offered some updates on economic matters.

The General Definitory appointed:

Of the following Entities, it ratified the Acts of the elections that took place:

They also named:

They dealt with the following cases of separation from the Order: 

They examined, amongst existing and new practices:

They dealt with other practices of various kinds:

In conclusion, the General Definitory verified the progress of the work of the current Tempo Forte.

The General Definitory reminds the recipients of the official and mail (Ministers, Custodes, Presidents, Guardians and Secretaries) that the transition to the use of this email is to be made no later than the 25th March, 2024.

 Furthermore, the responsibility for receiving any important communications on time rests with each individual. If you have problems accessing the system (Mailbox and Database), please contact the General Secretariat (

The next Tempo Forte is scheduled from the 4th –15th March 2024.

 All the Secretariats of the Entities of the Order are reminded to send their requests to be submitted to the General Definitory within one week of the beginning of the work of the Tempo Forte.

 Please note: applications received at other times will be postponed till the next Tempo Forte.

To the praise of Christ and the Poverello-Poor man of Assisi. Amen!


Nairobi (Kenya), 25th January 2024

Br Antonio M. IACONA, OFM

General Definitorium
General Secretariat Tempo Forte
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