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Communiqué of the General Definitory on the March 2024 Tempo Forte

02 April 2024

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The March Tempo Forte took place from the 4th to the 15th at the General Curia "St Mary Mediatrix", in Rome. Other "extraordinary" sessions, the outcome of which is noted in this Communiqué, were held in Kenya (26th and 29th January), during the meeting of the General Definitory with the African Conference and while it was reached by the announcement of the death of Br Hermann SCHALÜK, and in Germany (20th March), during the meeting of the General Definitory with COTAF. 

The General Definitory, during its meeting with the African Conference, deepened its reflection on the birth of two Conferences, one English-speaking and one Francophone, and began its reflection on the possibility of creating a new Conference that would embrace some Mediterranean Entities (Morocco, Egypt, the Holy Land, Turkey, ...); according to a practice that is becoming more and more consolidated, in the first "Ordinary" session of the work time was given to personal narration, in order to deepen mutual relations and share the experiences of the period that has elapsed since the last Tempo Forte; having been consulted by the Union of Superiors General, with the help of the Order's Animation Offices – the General Secretariat for the Missions and Evangelization, the General Secretariat for Formation and Studies and the Office for Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation – the Definitory gave its own contribution following reflection on the second session of the Synod; defined the programme for the meeting with the new Ministers and Custodes (10th – 18th May) and began to draw up the programme for the meeting with the Visitors General (8th-12th July); continued to reflect on the revision of the General Curia through staff turnover; continued the discernment of the presences and the life and mission of the friars of the "St Francis" Foundation of Russia; the Definitory took stock of the situation regarding the "St Anthony" Canteen of the "St Anthony" International College in Rome; with Br Maciej OLSZEWSKI and thanks also to the designated Commission, structured the organization of the Chapter of Mats of the Roman Houses dependent on the Minister General (3rd –4th May); with Br Albert SCHMUCKI, reflected on some aspects of the Safeguarding of Minors and Vulnerable Adults; on the weekend of 8th –10th March the Definitory participated, together with its fraternity "St Mary Mediatrix" of the General Curia, in the retreat at La Verna.

The Definitory met: the General Treasurer, for the usual updates on economic matters; the Commission for the elaboration of the Projects managed by the Development Office of the Curia and the Fondazione OFM Fraternitas; the FOA Council, for updates on existing situations with the "St Anthony’s" International College; the General Secretariat for Missions and Evangelization, for updates on future activities and presence in Papua New Guinea; the Communications Office; Br Stéphane DELAVELLE, Custos of the Custody "Protomartyrs of Morocco", for a discussion on the life and mission of the Custody.

The General Definitory appointed: 

Of the following Entities, it ratified the Acts of the elections that took place:  

It analysed the Reports of: 

It approved, subject to condition, the Particular Statutes of: 

The Definitory also named: 

The Definitory dealt with the following cases of separation from the Order:  

It examined, amongst existing and new practices: 

It dealt with other practices of various kinds: 

In conclusion, the General Definitory verified the progress of the work of the current Tempo Forte

The General Definitory reminds the recipients of the official mail and (Ministers, Custodes, Presidents, Guardians and Secretaries) that the transition to the use of this e-mail was to be made by today, the 25th March, 2024: the responsibility for receiving any important communications on time rests with all of them; those who encounter problems accessing the system (Mailbox and Database),  please contact the General Secretariat ( 

The next Tempo Forte is scheduled from the 6th to 17th May; all the Secretariats of the Entities of the Order are reminded to send their requests to be submitted to the General Definitory within one week of the beginning of the work of Tempo Forte (Friday, 26th April); applications received at another time will be postponed to the next Tempo Forte. 

To the praise of Christ and the Poverello - The Poor man of Assisi. Amen! 

Rome, 25th March 2024 

 Br Antonio M. IACONA, OFM 
Secretary General 

General Definitorium
General Secretariat Tempo Forte
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