
Communiqué of the General Definitory on the Tempo Forte of May 2024

24 May 2024

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The Tempo Forte of May took place from the 6th to 9th of May at the General Curia “St. Mary Mediatrix,” in Rome.  Other “extraordinary” sessions as indicated on the website took place in the Philippines on 10th April, during the meeting of the General Definitory with the Union of Conferences FCAO (EAC and SAAOC), and from the 14th to 17th May at the General Curia.

The General Definitory discerned  on  the life and mission of the friars in  Papua New Guinea; the first “ordinary” session was centered on personal sharing so as to deepen mutual relationship and share on the life lived from the last Tempo Forte; having discerned over the Foundation of “St. Francis of Assisi” in Russia, the suppression of one of the three presences of the Entity was decreed (Ussurijsk);  it was done through the approach of  synodality; together with Br Juan I. ALDANA M., the General Definitory gave the update on the Chapter of Mats  2025;  the reflection on CPO of 2025 was initiated; a reflection on the revision of the General Curia especially on the replacement of personnel was carried out; there was an examination on the proposal of the Commision of DEVEL-FF on the possibility of integrating the Development Office to Fondazione OFM Fraternitas and the new procedures on projects. Br Joel SULSE, the new Bursar General from 1st August was welcomed; the General Definitory met the Commision for the revision of investment and carried out the meeting with the new Minister Provincials and Custodians of the Order (10th -18th May).

The General Definitory

It appointed:

It approved the Canonical erection and appointed the Government of the:

It ratified the elections of the following Entities: 

It approved under condition (sub conditione) the Particular Statues of:

It dealt with the following cases of separation from the Order: 

It examined the cases which were already in the process and new cases:

It dealt with other various issues:

The General Definitory reminds that whoever faces problem of accessing the system (Mailbox and Database) through official credentials is asked to contact the General Secretariate through the following email (

The next Tempo Forte will be preceeded by the meeting of the General Definitory with new General Visitators (8-12 July). It is expected to take place from 15th to 26th July; all the Secretaries of the Entities of the Order are reminded to present their requests to the General Definitory (by 5th of July; the requests that will be sent late will be forwarded to the next Tempo Forte.

Praise to Christ and to the  Poverello of Assisi. Amen!
Rome, 18 May 2024

Br Antonio M. IACONA, OFM
Secretary General


General Definitorium
Tempo Forte
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