
Communiqué of the General Definitory

for the March 2023 Tempo Forte

19 April 2023

Read the Communiqué in Français

The Tempo Forte took place from 6 to 17 March and was held at the General Curia in Rome; other work sessions were held beforehand on 23 and 24 January, in São Paulo, Brazil, and on 2 and 3 March, in Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina.

The General Definitory had a time of personal sharing to deepen the relationships, and to share the experience of UCLAF, in São Paulo and UFME, in Medjugorje; they elaborated in detail the Programme of the Meeting with the Presidents of the Conferences (15-18 May 2023) and clarified some objectives and modalities of the Meeting with the Visitators, which will not be held in presence; they continued the reflection on the revision of the personnel of the Houses and Offices dependent on the Minister General; they listened to Br. Darko TEPERT, Secretary General for Formation and Studies about the: Conference of Lay Brothers, International Congress of OFM Study and Research Centres, Document on Affective Maturity, Situation of the Pontifical Antonianum University; they met with the Board of the OFM Fraternitas Foundation for sharing updates and future perspectives; they listened to Br Cesare VAIANI, General Definitor, on the work done by the Commission on the history and role of Conferences in the Order; they met Br. Salvador BURGOS LEON, Director of the Translations Office: the friars of the Order are encouraged to give their availability to help the Office in the work of long-distance translation; they drafted a first revision of the special Statutes of the General Definitory; they inquired about the nature and modalities of the presence of a new international fraternity in London; they listened to the lawyers on some situations still active; they heard updates on economic matters presented by Br. John PUODZIUNAS, General Bursar; they met with the Board of the General Secretariat for the Franciscan Missions (GSFM) in Waterford; they listened to Br Caoimhín Ó LAOIDE for an update on the progress of the unification of six American Provinces (US6); they visited the fraternity and the structure of St Isidore's College, the headquarters of St Bonaventure College of the Frati Editori di Quaracchi, and the fraternity of SS Quaranta Martiri, on the day of the liturgical feast of the titular saints.

The General Definitory:


Approved the shortlist of candidates for Minister Provincial of the:

They ratified the election of the following entities that took place

In Chapter:

In Capitular Congressus:

Outside Chapter:

They analysed the Reports after the Canonical Visitation of the following Entities:

They accepted the resignation of:

They appointed to various offices:

They approved, sub conditione, the particular Statutes of the::

They dealt with the following dossiers concerning changes in legal status:  

They dealt with the following cases of separation from the Order: 

They examined:

They dealt with other dossiers of various kinds:

In conclusion, the Definitory reviewed the progress of the Tempo Forte.

The next Tempo Forte is scheduled to take place from 8 to 19 May 2023; all the Secretariats of the Entities of the Order are reminded to send the petitions to be submitted to the General Definitory within a week of the start of the Tempo Forte: petitions received at another time will be postponed to the following Tempo Forte.

To the praise of Christ and the Poverello of Assisi. Amen!

Rome, 12 April 2023                        

Br Antonio M. IACONA, OFM
Secretary General

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