
COMPI Lay Brother Gathering

April 22-24, LaVerna

29 April 2024

From the 22nd to the 24th of April, the first lay brothers of the COMPI conference took place, with about 40 brothers from 9 Provinces in attendance, about a third of the lay brothers that make up the conference. The title chosen for the gathering was “Sic et simpliciter”, or “Simply and Fully.” This expression represents well what these days were all about, days that included a simple renewal of the profession of the Rule by which the Friars Minor enter a life and vocation complete in itself, striving to follow the Lord Jesus in simplicity, holding nothing back for themselves.

The logo chosen for the event took the “S” from each word of the Latin title and wrapped them together into a strand of DNA, a symbolic way of saying that the lay brother vocation is the core, the DNA, of the Friar Minor vocation. As lay brothers of COMPI, the Friars offer a joyful service to the Order and to the world, believing that they must know, live, and announce their identity as Friars Minor “sic et simpliciter” in the certainty that embracing such a vocation will always be a gift and benefit to the Church of the day.

The gathering took place in the Sanctuary of LaVerna, a place celebrating all throughout this year of 2024 the centenary of the Sacred Stigmata. The warm, fraternal welcome by the community that cares for the sanctuary on that holy mountain started off beautifully the two days that were filled with precious moments of personal and communal prayer and sharing. With the Sacred Stigmata as the theme, Br Bill Short and Definitor General Br Cesare Vaiani offered input that was discussed in small groups and complemented by a message from Minister General Br Massimo Fusarelli.

Great moments of fraternity ensued and the fruits of the gathering were written up in the form of simple, concrete proposals to be brought to the upcoming 2025 Lay Brother International Convention, which will include four delegates from this conference.

The brothers returned to their fraternities with grateful hearts to the Father of all Mercy, to the hosting fraternity of Mount La Verna, and to all the brothers who organized this gathering. All who participated felt the joy of being “brothers in Christ, profoundly united in He who is the first born of many brothers.”

Br Massimo Fusarelli Br Cesare Vaiani COMPI Lay Brothers
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