
Congress of the OFM Study and Research Centres

From 4th to 7th July at the General Curia, Rome

04 July 2023

From 4 to 7 July, at the General Curia in Rome, the Congress of OFM Study and Research Centres is being held, organized by the General Secretariat for Formation and Studies (GSFS), which brings together representatives of university-level institutions and higher  scientific research centres of the Order.

"This meeting was born out of the desire of the 2015 General Chapter to organize a congress in order to foster collaboration between our study centers", says Br. Darko Tepert, Secretary General of the GSFS. “Due to the Covid pandemic it could not be held in 2020, but the General Definitory for this six-year period accepted the proposal of our Secretariat to continue on this path. We have therefore resumed and updated the issues related to the Franciscan identity of our study and research centres, such as, for example, the promotion of the Franciscan heritage, integral ecology, which we will try to examine from a biblical and theological point of view, and the theme of collaboration: the desire, in fact, is to build a network of our study and research centres, in order to encourage collaboration in important issues for our Order and for the Franciscan charism".

In his introductory speech, Br. Massimo Fusarelli, Minister General, recalled how the 2021 General Chapter focused attention on the theme of the renewal of Franciscan identity and fraternal life. "In the Final Document - said the Minister - we read: "The task of renewing our Franciscan identity requires discernment, study, formation and action" [Final Document, 10]. This discernment, study, formation and action also concerns our academic institutions, which must find a way to keep in touch with the signs of today's times, among which, for us Friars Minor, the condition of the smallest has a particular place. , of migrants and the marginalized, rejects of the current economic system (cf. GC 66)”.

He then continued: “The question of integral ecology, linked not only to the current pontificate, but also to our Franciscan identity, presents itself as an important form of our action in the world today. We can recognize as one of our missions that of helping the world in changing paradigms, which could lead to changes in the scientific and cultural setting and in the entirety of the socio-economic sphere, to found an alliance between nature and culture".

Br. Massimo also wanted to underline the importance of building a network between study and research centres: "I hope that this Congress can help us reach this goal which could instill a new and stimulating impetus in the academic circles of our Order ”.

Read the complete text of the Minister General’s speech (Italian)

Download the proigramme: ItalianoEnglish - Español

The convocation of the Congress is a response to the decision n. 4 of the 2015 General Chapter: “The General Definitory, together with the General Secretariat for Formation and Studies, should promote the development of the Franciscan intellectual patrimony through research, teaching and publications of a high scientific level; encourage collaboration between the OFM Higher Study Centers; convene a Congress for OFM Study Centers on current issues, for the life and mission of the Order in the Church, starting from a global cultural and theological perspective; studies and foster the possibility of greater academic collaboration of the PUA and of the other OFM Study Centers with the entire Franciscan Family".

Congress Participants:

Br. João Mannes, Director of the Group educacional Bom Jesus (Brazil)
Br. Ernesto Londoño Orozco, General Rector of the Saint Bonaventure University and Rector of the Medellin Section (Colombia)
Br. Jesús Antonio Ruiz Ramírez, Rector of the Cartagena  Section(Colombia)
Br. Benjamin Soto Forero, Rector of the Cali Section (Colombia)
Br. Rosario Pierri, PUA, Dean of the Biblical and Archaeological Sciences Faculty
Br. Lorenzo Raniero, President of the Institute of Ecumenical Studies (Venice)
Br. Miguel Ángel Escribano Arráez, Director of the Theological Institute of  Murcia (Spain)
Br. Daniel P. Dwyer, President Academy of American Branciscan History (USA)
Br. Sandro Roberto da Costa, President Theological Institute Petropolis (Brazil)
Br. Alessandro Cavicchia, Supervisor, SBF Jerusalem
Br. Garrett Galvin, Director of the Franciscan School of Theology (USA)
Br. Mark G. Reamer, Vice President for Mission, Siena College (USA)
Br. Edgar Abad, Director of the Studium Theologicum Franciscanum “Cardenal Echeverría”, Quito (Ecuador)
Br. Antonius Eddy Kristiyanto, Dean of Theology, Ketua Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Driyarkara, Jakarta (Indonesia)
Br. Valentine Eboh, University of St. Bonaventure, Lusaka, representative
Br. Marco Mendoza, Secretary and Bursar of the Pontificia Accademia Mariana Internationalis
Br. William Short, Director of the Collegium S. Bonaventuræ
Br. Jean-Claude Paluku Mulekya Kinombe, PUA, representative of the University of  Kolwezi (DR Congo)
Br. Agustín Hernández Vidales, PUA, Rector
Br. Giuseppe Buffon, Supervisor, PUA, Dean of the Faculty of Theology
Br. Carlos Esteban Salto Solá, PUA, Dean elect of the Faculty of Theology
Br. Andrea Bizzozero, PUA, deputy Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy
Br. Michele Sardella, PUA, deputy and Dean elect of the Faculty of Canon Law
Br. Luca Bianchi, PUA, President Franciscan Institute of Spirituality (OFMCap)
Br. Pietro Messa, PUA, President of the Institute of Religious Science
Br. Ernesto Dezza, PUA, President of the High School of Medieval and Franciscan Studies
Br. Raffaele Di Muro, President of the Faculty Pontificia San Bonaventura – Seraphicum (OFMConv)
Br. Stefano Recchia, Vice President of the Scotist Commission

Br. Byron A. Chamann Anléu
Communications Office General Curia OFM

General Curia Franciscan Family Formation and Studies
PUA Fondazione Opere Antoniane Frati Editori di Quaracchi Duns Scotus Commission
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