
Continental Congress for Formators in Jakarta

05 July 2017
The first Continental Congress for formators of the Six-Year 2015-2021 started in Jakarta (Indonesia), at Casa Monte Rosa, in Puncak. On Sunday evening (July 2nd), all the 48 formators of the two Asian Conferences (EAC and SAOOC) gathered. This congress began on Monday morning  with the Holy Mass presided by the Provincial Minister of the Province of St. Michael Archangel in Indonesia, Br. Adrianus Sunarko, a few days ago  appointed bishop of a diocese in the Sumatra archipelago. After Holy Mass and breakfast, Br. Sinisa, moderator of the day, greeted the participants wishing everyone a profitable congress. After the initial greeting, Br. Adrianus wished the participants a good and fruitful work. Br. Cesare Vaiani introduced the Congress. Br. Ireneo Tactac (EAC) and Br. Peter Moghal (SAOOC) presented the two Conferences. The second part of the morning Br. Cesare spoke about “Mutual accompaniment in fraternal life”. After the report and clarifications on some points, the participants continued their work in groups. At the end of each day, each group presented a summary of its work with the most important points. These points will be work by the Steering Committee in a near future. The day ended with an evening of traditional songs offered by an ethnic group from the neighborhood. [gallery type="rectangular" link="file" ids="16128,16126,16131,16130,16129,16127"]
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