
COTAF Formators’ Meeting

20 October 2017
  31 friars with responsibility for Formation gathered in Szentkút, Hungary, from October 16th to 19th to reflect on the theme of “Prayer in Formation”. COTAF is unusual in that it is difficult to find common language; English is now the working language. Every three years, Formators from the Netherlands, France, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Hungary, and Transylvania (Romania) come together to share their experiences of Formation and discuss important topics connected to it. The first talk (on Tuesday, October 17th) was by Br. Jakab Varnai, from the Hungarian Province, who gave a personal reflection on prayer in the life of everyone. The next day (Wednesday, October 18th) Br. Cesare Vaiani and Br. Siniša Balajic, from the General Secretariat for Formation and Studies, made a presention on the prayer of St. Francis, and the role of prayer in Formation. The final reflection (Thursday, October 19th) was given by Br. Johannes Schneider, a friar from the Austrian province. He invited the participants to reflect on the relationship between prayer and work, based on the experience of St. Francis and chapter five of the Rule. The Hungarian Province made the participants warmly welcome at the well-known shrine of Szentkút. Wednesday afternoon was free, and the friars visited the lovely church, a fine library in the Gyöngyös fraternity, as well as a school and institute for autistic children. At the end of the meeting Br. Andreas Brands, Secretary for Formation of Studies for COTAF handed over responsibility for Formation in the Conference to Br. Léo Pall from Transilvania (Romania).  
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