
CTC No. 55 (05.2020)

26 May 2020
Just when all the articles had arrived and were ready to be sent away for translation, we found ourselves in ‘lockdown’! Since then, the restrictions that have been established in order to limit the devastating effects of Covid-19 mean that we’re living a quite different form of ‘enclosure’. Lent and Eastertide 2020 have been such an extraordinary time for everybody throughout the world, and that includes us Cloistered Sisters. We have experienced a ‘new’, real, tangible time of communion in prayer and a genuine sense of sharing the pain of our suffering brothers and sisters. We had planned that issue 55 of cTc would be about ‘life in abundance’, and in light of the present situation this theme has taken on a powerful meaning. We hope you will find these articles lifegiving they flow from our sisters’ hearts and their daily commitment to the Living God. The sisters tell their personal or community stories in a very direct way so you can hear their voices, and also read the fraternal sharing from Br. Fernando, our General Delegate, who made a recent visit to our Sisters in francophone Africa. We are given the opportunity to walk alongside the different life pathways opened up by the Holy Spirit in and through those who welcome His holy work in their ordinary human lives past and present, open to the future. Different cultures, different colours, but in a single direction; the new Jerusalem. It is there that we find “the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.” (Rev 22:2). Life in abundance! Enjoy your reading!

Poor Clare Sisters of the Editorial Team


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